Objective of the school
In the context of education activities on Quantum, University Côte d’Azur is organizing with Quantazur Institut and the support of the European network EIT Digital a summer school around Quantum Computation and information. This school aims to raise awareness among master's, doctoral students, and young professionals not specialized in Quantum about the scientific and economic potential of the quantum industry.
The program includes practical and group work, ranging from basic quantum information to applied topics such as solving optimization and machine learning problems using quantum algorithms. Sessions on quantum entrepreneurship are also planned, featuring French and European industrial players. The school offers 2 ECTS.
Check out the detailed program by clicking here
Register now by clicking here
Maximum of participants : 45
Nathalie Hailly : Nathalie.HAILLY@univ-cotedazur.fr and Francoise Baude : Francoise.Baude@univ-cotedazur.fr