Next Digital World Seminars Series : Forum Numerica

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Publié le 11 septembre 2024 Mis à jour le 11 septembre 2024

le 19 septembre 2024

 3 pm - 4 pm
Campus SophiaTech, Inria Research Center, room Euler bleu
or follow this webinar on Webex

The next seminar of Forum Numerica will take place on September 17, 2024. Marieke van Erp, from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Humanities Cluster will be the speaker. Doctoral students are encouraged to attend this seminar, and their participation is highly valued by doctoral schools.

  • Title : Data Sciencing Big Old Archives: Computational Humanities Research One Interdisciplinary Collaboration at a Time
  • Date :  September 17, 2024
  • Hour : 2 pm - 3 pm
  • Place : Campus SophiaTech, Inria Research Center, room Euler bleu or online on Webex

The mass digitisation of historical archives has brought humanities research into the realm of big data. However, working with historical data is not for the faint of heart: data can be incomplete, warped through digitisation artefacts, or difficult to understand as language and society have changed. But it can also be immensely rewarding as it provides a window on the past that can help us understand today's society better. In this talk, I will discuss how my team is adapting NLP tools designed for contemporary data to historical use cases and how we deal gaps in data, quality issues and other challenges to make computational methods better suited to humanities use cases. .

Speaker's Bio:
Marieke van Erp is a Language Technology and Semantic Web expert engaged in interdisciplinary research. She holds a PhD in computational linguistics from Tilburg University and has worked on many (inter)national interdisciplinary projects such as the FP7 NewsReader project.. Find out more...